Bluegums Corner to Rarangi Line Rebuild

What:       Bluegums Corner to Rarangi Line Rebuild
Where: Bluegums Corner (Cnr Rarangi Rd & Rarangi Beach Rd) to just past Cnr Miro St & Rarangi Beach Rd
When: Late August 2023 to late October 2023
Why: Replacement of ageing assets

What are we doing?

MLL is replacing approximately 3km of ageing conductor that is at end of life. Poles and cross-arms rated in poor condition will be replaced at the same time.

How are we doing it?

Firstly, we have completed an assessment of the line and developed the design using our specialist design software. Local property owners have also been approached regarding equipment and trees that will be in the way of MLL’s equipment during the replacement works; and plans have been made to clear the path for an efficient build. The first stage involves pole preparation work on the ground before these are then lifted into position. Cross-arms on existing poles are then replaced where necessary and then new conductor is run to complete the project.

How will this affect you?

This stretch of line has a complex mix of HV and LV conductor, and communications cabling. The pea-gravel ground conditions in the area also present additional challenges. Efficiencies are continually being worked through but there will be several power outages that are, unfortunately, unavoidable. To minimise disruption, we have planned for these to be staggered and a maximum of two per week. These outages have been notified to occur between 8.30am-6.00pm from early/mid-September through until mid-October. With the number of outages planned, MLL has developed a generation plan and is providing generation equipment to help reduce disruption as much as possible. The days that generation is provided there will be a 15 minute outage at the end of the day to disconnect from the generator and connect back onto the network. These 15 minute outages have been notified to affected customers as an outage from 5.45pm-6.00pm. If work finishes earlier for the day, then these 15 minute outages will occur earlier. Outage finish times of 6.00pm are planned as worst-case scenarios.

Traffic impacts

With the wide road reserve and the line set back from the road, traffic disruption is anticipated to be minimal. However, there will be some impact to traffic near Miro Street for a short period of time where the road reserve is narrower.

Property access and parking

There may be times where access to residents’ driveways is obstructed across the road reserve whilst work is ongoing. We will ensure that this is kept to a minimum and prior warning will be provided if required.

Other impacts

The first power outage will also impact Edgewater Estate just to the south of the rebuild. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable, and residents will be notified accordingly.

Where can you get more information?

Please contact Hayden Lewis (Network Project Manager) by email at